Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 7, 8

Wealth direction: Southwest


Wearing red, green, purple attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1. Rabbit:

Embrace good luck and seize opportunities while staying sociable.

2. Tiger:

Express yourself confidently and enjoy support from influential figures.

3. Goat:

Experience smooth progress in work and social interactions with strong support.

4. Rooster:

Thrive in both career and financial aspects with notable achievements.

5. Rat:

Work diligently and enjoy leisure activities with a proactive attitude.

6. Dog:

Share ideas boldly, nurture relationships, and enjoy a harmonious love life.

7. Dragon:

Perform well at work but stay humble; singles may find love, stay loyal if in a relationship.

8. Ox:

Influence relationships positively, watch out for rumors, and relax for self-care.

9. Horse:

Handle challenges with openness, avoid overspending, and stay humble.

10. Boar:

Stay positive, avoid conflicts, and engage in relaxing activities.

11. Monkey:

Manage finances carefully, prioritize rest, and budget for social activities.

12. Snake:

Manage stress, maintain a low profile, and be cautious in social interactions.

Photo Artist: NEOM Sponsored

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Monday, March 11, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3

Wealth direction: Northeast


Wearing pink, green, purple attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1. Horse:

Embrace smooth life and promising career with a touch of good luck! Opportunities galore for job seekers and financial triumphs await.

2. Tiger:

Luck smiles upon you with supportive connections and bright financial prospects. Stay grounded to avoid impulsive ventures.

3. Rabbit:

Revel in surrounding good fortune, including ease in finances and career success. Romance flourishes; seize happiness.

4. Snake:

Tread carefully amidst unexpected events. Navigate social challenges and safeguard financial assets.

5. Monkey:

Anticipate minor financial gains and maintain balance amidst potential conflicts. Focus on career growth and occasional outdoor breaks.

6. Boar:

Navigate responsibilities with caution. Approach financial decisions prudently for enduring success.

7. Dog:

Handle relationship and financial challenges with caution. Seek support for career progression.

8. Goat:

Stay vigilant of hidden obstacles and adapt amidst uncertainty.

9. Ox:

Exercise caution in actions and finances to sidestep conflicts and hurdles.

10. Rat:

Navigate setbacks and conflicts calmly. Strategize expenses amidst financial challenges.

11. Rooster:

Manage social pressures carefully. Keep composure during financial disagreements.

12. Dragon:

Prepare for challenges with humility. Scrutinize financial decisions for a prosperous outcome.

Photo Artist: NASA Hubble Space Telescope

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


2024年3月11日 星期一

幸运数字: 2, 3




1. 马:


2. 虎:


3. 兔:


4. 蛇:


5. 猴:


6. 猪:


7. 狗:


8. 羊:


9. 牛:


10. 鼠:


11. 鸡:


12. 龙:


摄影艺术家:NASA Hubble Space Telescope


解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。

#trendyfengshui  #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 4, 5

Wealth direction: South


Wearing green,  grey, emerald attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1 Dragon:

Expect support and financial prosperity, boosting fame and wealth. Singles find love, while couples deepen their bond.

2 Ox:

Anticipate unexpected gains and valuable connections. Spend time with loved ones for a richer life.

3 Snake:

Enjoy increased energy and recognition. Showcase talents and embrace social gatherings.

4 Tiger:

Confidence leads to work success. Relax with family or friends for balance.

5 Goat:

Financial success awaits, but be wary of romantic rumors.

6 Boar:

Despite work pressure, achieve recognition. Prioritize health while enjoying social events.

7 Horse:

Overcome obstacles for favorable outcomes. Singles may find love, while couples avoid conflicts.

8 Monkey:

Overcome challenges for pleasant surprises. Couples should practice tolerance.

9 Rat:

Manage stress for productivity. Relationships thrive for singles and couples.

10 Rooster: Act cautiously to avoid offense. Stay diligent despite challenges.

11 Dog:

Focus on leisure, avoiding impulsive decisions. Steer clear of financial risks.

12 Rabbit:

Navigate challenges peacefully. Avoid conflicts for a harmonious day.

Photo Artist: NASA Hubble Space Telescope

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaosh


2024年3月10日 星期天

幸运数字: 3、6




1 龙:


2 牛:预期意外收获和宝贵的人脉。与亲人共度时光,享受更丰富的生活。

3 蛇:享受更多能量和认可。展示才华,拥抱社交聚会。

4 虎:自信带来工作上的成功。与家人或朋友放松,保持平衡。

5 羊:财务成功即将到来,但要警惕爱情谣言。

6 猪:尽管工作压力大,也要获得认可。在享受社交活动的同时,优先保持健康。

7 马:克服障碍获得良好结果。单身者可能找到爱情,夫妻应避免冲突。

8 猴:克服挑战获得惊喜。夫妻应多包容。

9 鼠:管理压力提高生产力。单身者和夫妻的关系都会蓬勃发展。

10 鸡:谨慎行事以避免冒犯。尽管面临挑战,仍需保持勤奋。

11 狗:注重休闲,避免冲动决定。避免财务风险。

12 兔:平和应对挑战,避免冲突,度过和谐的一天。

摄影艺术家:NASA Hubble Space Telescope


解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。

#trendyfengshui  #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


2024年3月9日 星期五

幸运数字: 4、5




1. 龙:


2. 鼠:


3. 蛇:


4. 猴:


5. 牛:


6. 羊:


7. 马:


8. 兔:


9. 狗:


10. 鸡:


11. 猪:


12. 虎:


摄影艺术家:NEOM Sponsored


解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。

#trendyfengshui  #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 4, 5

Wealth direction: South


Wearing silver,  yellow, gold attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1. Dragon:

Luck in financial windfalls and great deals awaits. Energy and sharp thinking lead to smooth work progress and recognition opportunities if seized.

2. Rat:

Strong charm and excellent luck bring opportunities to showcase skills. Good relationships bring comfort and a cheerful mood.

3. Snake:

Joyful mood and smooth work with a chance for promotion. Social gatherings may reveal valuable business opportunities.

4. Monkey:

Quick thinking and passion for work yield significant gains. Engage in group activities for a better mood.

5. Ox:

Abundant wealth with effortless gains. Romantic prospects for singles and deepening bonds for those in relationships.

6. Goat:

Good financial luck especially in sales. Love life is positive, focus on cherishing relationships.

7. Horse:

Good morning luck with potential help, caution needed in the afternoon to avoid conflicts. A day for rest and stress relief.

8. Rabbit:

Challenging work and life, prioritize tasks carefully. Focus on maintaining physical and mental well-being.

9. Dog:

Unexpected gains but caution advised in investments. Helping others brings good fortune.

10. Rooster:

Unfavorable luck with increased pressure, requiring diligence to overcome challenges.

11. Boar:

Restlessness hinders productivity, leading to potential financial losses if not careful.

12. Tiger:

Impatience and stubbornness may lead to unfulfilled wishes and poor financial decisions.

Photo Artist: Janosch Diggelmann

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Friday, March 8, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 1, 4

Wealth direction:  East


Wearing black,  silver, blue attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1 Boar:

Today brings success in work, life, and finances. Embrace challenges.

2 Horse:

Expect a boost in income and showcase your talents.

3 Rabbit:

Work diligently for rewarding results and gain insights from friends.

4 Rooster:

Work flows smoothly, be friendly, and welcome good fortune.

5 Goat:

Utilize your strong memory for a productive day and be forgiving of mistakes.

6 Monkey:

Focus on work; singles may find romance while couples navigate minor conflicts.

7 Snake:

Financial acumen leads to gains, work hard, and maintain a friendly demeanor.

8 Tiger:

Stay positive despite challenges, watch finances closely.

9 Dragon:

Take breaks, stay positive amidst setbacks, and focus on self-care.

10 Dog:

Concentrate on work, avoid unnecessary chatter, and remain composed.

11 Rat:

Be cautious of potential pitfalls and stay vigilant.

12 Ox:

Navigate a busy day with efficiency, mindful interactions, and productivity.

Photo Artist: Erik van Dijk

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


2024年3月8日 星期五

幸运数字: 1,4




1. 猪:今天的工作、生活和财务都将获得成功。勇于接受挑战。

2. 马:期待收入提升,展示你的才华。

3. 兔:为了有益的成果而勤奋工作,并从朋友那里获得洞察力。

4. 鸡:工作顺利进行,友善待人,迎接好运。

5. 羊:利用你强大的记忆力,度过一个高效的一天,并原谅错误。

6. 猴:专注于工作;单身者可能会找到爱情,而情侣们应处理小冲突。

7. 蛇:金钱智慧带来收益,努力工作,保持友好态度。

8. 虎:尽管面临挑战,保持积极,密切关注财务状况。

9. 龙:休息一下,在挫折中保持积极,关注自我保健。

10. 狗:专注于工作,避免不必要的闲聊,保持镇定。

11. 鼠:小心潜在陷阱,保持警惕。

12. 牛:以高效、谨慎的方式应对繁忙的一天,注意与他人的交往,提高生产力。

摄影艺术家:NEOM Sponsored


解锁命运的秘密,加我微信:Serenewongms 联系,踏上幸福和成功的航程,乘风破浪,美梦成真。

#trendyfengshui  #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Lucky Numbers: 5, 6

Wealth direction:  East


Wearing white,  grey, blue attire today can enhance your luck!

Ranking of the 12 Energetic Zodiac Signs:

1. Dog:

Great luck boosts confidence, applause for performance. Center of attention, star status assured.

2. Goat:

Proactive success, praised for effort. Stay social, enjoy meals, strengthen bonds.

3. Tiger:

Joyful, driven, excels at work, boosts friendships.

4. Dragon:

Confident, adaptable, admired by all. Enjoy treats, popularity soars.

5. Monkey:

Smooth progress, praised for calmness. Enhance relationships, enjoy harmony.

6. Boar:

Calm handling of complexity, balance for relaxation.

7. Snake:

Good finances, seek advice. Balance work and relationships.

8. Horse:

Wealth opportunities, emotional balance key for contentment.

9. Rabbit:

Low spirits, bright romantic prospects. Singles meet through friends, couples find harmony.

10. Rooster:

Financial caution, romantic opportunities abound.

11. Ox:

Work challenges, love patience needed.

12. Rat:

Low luck, avoid venting, seek solace in relaxation.

Photo Artist: Jeffrey Zhang

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets message Serene Wong, and set sail on a voyage to happiness and success, riding the waves of fulfilment.

#trendyfengshui #serenewongms

#王铭汐老师 #Mingxilaoshi
