Wealth direction: West
Lucky Numbers: 3,8
Tip: Wearing green, grey, white attire today can enhance your luck!
30/10 Ranking of the 12 Energetic
Zodiac Signs:
1. Pig:
Luck continues, smooth work, likely to gain recognition. Great for socializing and building relationships.
2. Dog:
High spirits, smooth career, strong support. Love luck is high, and relationships are sweet.
3. Goat:
Full of good luck, work goes smoothly, and social connections improve, making it easy to meet good friends.
4. Rabbit:
Excellent luck, ideal for collaborations, strong finances, with unexpected gains.
5. Snake:
Strong presence, work progresses well, with wealth opportunities on the horizon.
6. Tiger:
Good career and financial luck, keen at spotting opportunities. Caution needed in romance.
7. Monkey:
Unstable luck with both opportunities and obstacles, best to stay proactive.
8. Ox:
Not ideal for decisions, better to seek advice and take time to relax.
9. Horse:
Mentally and physically tired, best to rest. Strong love luck; great for dates.
Low mood, impulsive spending may mttlead to regret; be cautious and trustworthy in relationships.
11. Dragon: Low luck, potential conflicts with friends; talk to family for guidance.
High work pressure, unstable emotions, plans may stall, and social support is limited.
Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi
Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong on What’s app.