Wednesday , December 11,2024

Wealth direction: North

Lucky Number: 1, 6

Tip: Wearing brown, white, gold color attire today can enhance your luck!

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!

11/12 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1.Dragon:Your luck is soaring! Seize the day for career and love breakthroughs; your supporters are with you!

2.Ox:Channel that unstoppable energy into stellar achievements. Socialize, connect, and let joy find you!

3.Snake:Your financial stars are aligning! Invest wisely and enjoy the warmth of family gatherings.

4.Pig:Keep that positive vibe; your mind is clear for learning and growth. Your potential is limitless!

5.Sheep:Sharpen your insights, boost your network. Your next big opportunity awaits in social circles.

6.Monkey:You’re a powerhouse of energy! Handle tasks with patience, and let love anchor you.

7.Horse:Expect small wins in finance, clear communication in love. Define your stance clearly for harmony.

8.Tiger:Navigate through mood swings with guidance. Switch to WeChat; better connections await.

9.Rat:Harness that drive but control impulsiveness. Love is knocking for singles, romance blooms for couples.

10.Rooster:Don’t let a low mood drag you down; friends are your best stress-relievers. Lift yourself up!

11.Dog:Even when luck feels down, your courage in facing setbacks will turn the tides. Keep pushing forward.

12.Rabbit:Stay calm amidst rumors; your family’s support is your peace anchor. Stay serene and strong.

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalisedo reading!


2024年12月 10日 星期二




你对自己的命运好奇吗?在WhatsApp上联系Serene Wong,王铭汐老师,或者加我微信:王铭汐风水师 作家获取你的个性化解读!


1.鼠: 运势大好,工作顺利,贵人助力,学习新技能提升自我,易得商机,注意情绪管理。

2.蛇: 吉星高照,计划顺利推进,偏财旺盛,适合购物,收获惊喜。

3.龙: 决断力强,适合展现才能,贵人助力,合作与人脉拓展皆顺。

4.猴: 心情愉悦,思路清晰,人缘好,效率高,拓展人际好时机。

5.牛: 创新思维,桃花运旺,单身者易遇佳缘,已婚者感情和谐。

6. 羊: 杂事较多但不影响效率,感情升温,适合表白或陪伴爱人。

7.狗: 计划易变但付出值得,与朋友互动能释放压力,增添欢乐。

8.马: 财运尚可,但决断力减弱,建议大胆尝试,努力终有收获。

9.鸡: 干扰多,进展不顺,建议低调行事,守住现状。

10.兔: 忙碌无果,易有摩擦,需注意身体健康,保持冷静应对。

11. 猪: 财运低迷,避免私下交易,遇事保持冷静,三思而后行。

12.虎: 衰运明显,易有纷争,保持理性,积极寻找解决办法。


你对自己的命运好奇吗?在WhatsApp上联系Serene Wong,王铭汐老师,或者加我微信:王铭汐风水师 作家获取你的个性化解读!


Saturday , December 7,2024

Wealth direction: Southwest

Lucky Number: 2, 6

Tip: Wearing green, red, gold color attire today can enhance your luck!

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!

7/12 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1.Monkey: Wealth flourishes, mind sharpens, career thrives, and friends adore.

2.Ox: Thoughts vibrant, energy high, with mentors’ support, status rises.

3.Dragon: Energy abounds, career excels, love life sweetens.

4.Rooster: Achievements significant, unexpected luck, time to celebrate with family.

5.Dog: Actions steady, love smooth, patience needed in communication.

6.Snake: Work flows, caution in speech boosts popularity.

7.Sheep: Peaceful mind, excellent performance, job hunting advantage.

8.Rabbit: Feeling low? Time for quiet reflection, not decisions.

9.Rat: High pressure? Manage cravings, unwind at social events.

10.Horse: Lacking motivation, efficiency dips, solitude helps reset mindset.

11.Tiger: Relationship struggles, financial lows, time for introspection.

12.Pig: Opinion clashes, enhance communication, value teamwork.

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!


2024年12月 5日 星期四





你对自己的命运好奇吗?在WhatsApp上联系Serene Wong,王铭汐老师,或者加我微信:王铭汐风水师 作家获取你的个性化解读!







6. 虎:工作顺利,突破阻碍,爱情需耐心,不可心急。



9. 马:人际下降,需控制情绪,爱情运佳,幸福满满。


11. 龙:人际下降,事业低迷,调整心态,保持冷静。



你对自己的命运好奇吗?在WhatsApp上联系Serene Wong,王铭汐老师,或者加我微信:王铭汐风水师 作家获取你的个性化解读!



Thursday , December 5,2024

Wealth direction: South

Lucky Number: 1, 4

Tip: Wearing purple , green, gold color attire today can enhance your luck!

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!

5/12 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1. Dog: Lucky stars shine, helpers abound, wealth and career flourish, love is sweet, charisma radiates.

2. Pig: Strong aura, everything goes smoothly, perfect for socializing and making friends, joy all around.

3. Sheep: Prosperous times, smooth career, great relationships, lots of family fun.

4. Snake: Careful and meticulous, tasks accomplished perfectly, social life buzzing, highly popular.

5. Rabbit: Energetic, creativity overflows, supported by elders, network expands.

6. Tiger: Work progresses, obstacles overcome, patience needed in love, don’t rush.

7. Monkey: Luck fluctuates, solve issues patiently, money-making power increases, steady income.

8. Ox: High pressure, stay calm, watch your words and actions to avoid mistakes.

9. Horse: Social life dips, control your emotions, love life is great, happiness abounds.

10. Rat: Things aren’t going well, adjust your mindset, love life is promising, sincere confessions might work.

11. Dragon: Social decline, career at low ebb, adjust your attitude, remain calm.

12. Rooster: Emotional outbursts lead to mistakes, act cautiously, watch your finances to prevent losses.

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi

Curious about your destiny? Reach out to Serene Wong, 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!


Monday, December 2,2024

Wealth direction: East

Lucky Number: 4, 9

Tip: Wearing white , blue, red color attire today can enhance your luck!

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong 王铭汐老师 on What’s app.

2/12 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1. Ox – Your wealth luck is booming! Money flows effortlessly, work is a breeze, and you excel in all you do.


2. Monkey – Your creativity is at its peak; you’ve got supporters in high places. Career growth and social charm are on your side.

3. Dragon – Luck is glowing on you with unexpected gains and leadership support, making everything feel like a breeze.

4. Tiger – Your competitive spirit is unmatched, leading to high productivity and delightful social interactions.

5. Pig – You’re full of energy, negotiations are in your favor, but give relationships some breathing room.

6. Rat – Diligence pays off; you’re making strides at work and enjoying some well-deserved leisure time.

7. Dog – Wealth luck is strong; tidy up your space to invite even more prosperity.

8. Snake – Feeling the pressure? Stay focused to sidestep errors and future regrets.

9. Rabbit – Hurdles in your path, but your relationships are your saving grace. Seek understanding.

10. Rooster – Emotional rollercoaster today, but love luck is on your side, especially if you’re single.

11. Goat – Relationships might strain; be patient and trust to maintain harmony despite financial hiccups.

12. Horse – Facing a tough day? Keep your spirits high and caution close to navigate through.

Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi

🎉 Unlock your destiny’s secrets! Contact Serene Wong 王铭汐老师 on WhatsApp for your personalized reading!


Friday, November 29,2024


Wealth direction: West

Lucky Number: 4, 9

Tip: Wearing purple, yellow, orange color attire today can enhance your luck!

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong 王铭汐老师 on What’s app.

29/11 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1. Ox: High energy, sharp thinking, full of good news, great for outings and unexpected joys.

2. Dragon: Career and love flourish, strong support from others, singles attract attention, couples stay harmonious.

3. Snake: Smooth progress, helpful advice, easy ta ty sks, great for networking or gatherings.

4.Pig: High spirits, excellent performance, strong relationships, and steady support.

5.Goat: Productive and recognized, strong relationships pave the way for future success.

6.Monkey: Stable progress, steady work, control spending, avoid emotional risks.

7. Horse:Cheerful mood, good appetite, growing romance, communicate well with partners.

8.Tiger: Financial ups and downs, verify opportunities, relax with some fun activities.

9. Rat: High pressure and challenges, strong romantic luck, stay confident.

10.Rooster: Busy and stressful, prone to mistakes, take breaks to recharge.

11. Dog: Challenging day, low finances, slow down and ease your stress.

12.Rabbit: Feeling lost, low efficiency, stay steady and manage finances wisely.

Authored by: Serene Wong,


Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong

王铭汐老师 on What’s app.



Wednesday, November 27,2024


Wealth direction:Southwest

Lucky Number:3,8

Tip: Wearing grey, khakis , beige color attire today can enhance your luck!

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong 王铭汐老师 on What’s app.

27/11 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1.Horse: Confident and bold, career thriving, wealth channels open through strong connections.

2.Rabbit: Energetic, creative, recognized by leaders, great for networking and success.

3.Pig: Energetic, work efficient, financial gains and rewards abundant.

4.Monkey: Cheerful, motivated, new skills, singles attract romance and love.

5.Rooster: Calm, decisive, creative ideas shine, relationships harmonious.

6.Goat: Ambitious, breakthrough achievements, strong networks built easily.

7.Dragon: Plan carefully, avoid rushing, be patient and detail-focused.

8.Snake: Luck low, work needs attention, watch words to avoid conflicts.

9.Tiger: Impulsive mistakes, rest needed, romance opportunities for singles.

10.Dog: Low energy, miscommunication, stay optimistic to overcome challenges.

11. Rat: Financial luck low, work pressure high, stay patient and persistent.

12.Ox: Negative thoughts, avoid overspending, cautious with purchases.

Authored by: Serene Wong,

Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong

王铭汐老师 on What’s app.


2024年11月 27日 星期三




今日可穿  灰色、卡其色、米色衣饰来增强运势。


王铭汐风水师 作家

What’s app

Serene Wong 王铭汐老师。


1.马: 有想法、有魄力,信心百倍,贵人助力,事业高涨,诸事顺遂。人缘好,通过朋友介绍,财路通畅。

2.兔: 精力充沛,创造力强,领导赏识,人脉聚会机会多,为成功打好基础。

3.猪: 活力十足,工作顺利,财运旺盛,财富提升,收获满满。

4.猴: 心情愉悦,干劲十足,好消息不断,单身者爱情运旺,易觅良缘。

5.鸡: 冷静果断,灵感频现,人际融洽,多关心他人,助力更多。

6.羊: 干劲十足,突破自我,回报丰厚,人缘佳,易建立良好人脉。

7.龙: 做事不宜急,规划后执行,耐心等待,注意细节不遗漏。

8.蛇: 运势欠佳,工作需谨慎,检查细节,注意言行避免冲突。

9.虎: 做事冲动,工作不顺,适合休息调整,桃花运佳,感情升温。

10.狗: 情绪低落,疲惫增加,人际冲突多,保持乐观积极心态。

11. 鼠: 偏财运低,工作压力大,情绪低迷,需努力调整心态。

12.牛: 悲观易钻牛角尖,破财风险高,购物需警惕,避免被骗。



王铭汐风水师 作家

What’s app

Serene Wong 王铭汐老师。



Tuesday November 26, 2024


Wealth direction: Northeast

Lucky Numbers: 1, 5

Tip: Wearing green, brown, coffee color attire today can enhance your luck!

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong 王铭汐老师 on What’s app.

26/11 Ranking of the 12 Zodiac Signs:

1.Goat:Creative and outstanding, share joy for more luck.

2.Dog:Smooth work, strong teamwork, family support boosts growth.

3.Tiger:Quick learner, benefits career, relaxing family time.

4.Dragon: Talented, efficient, gains insight through interactions.

5.Snake:Energetic, quick-thinking, cautious in love matters.

6.Pig:Good luck with money, steady work progress.

7.Rooster:Average day, health focus, good romantic chances.

8. Monkey: Sharp and active, listening brings better outcomes.

9.Rabbit: Low focus, strong love luck.

10.Ox:Hesitant, low confidence, poor love luck.

11. Horse:Arrogance causes trouble, careful with finances.

12.Rat: Unexpected issues, save money wisely.

Authored by: Serene Wong,

Mingxi Laoshi

Unlock your destiny’s secrets Contact Serene Wong

王铭汐老师 on What’s app.
