Wealth direction: Northeast
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4
Tip: Wearing green, black, blue attire today can enhance your luck!
27/10 Ranking of the 12 Energetic
Zodiac Signs:
1. Ox: Luck improves, with positive developments in work and life. Share joy with family.
2. Monkey: Confidence is high—great for seizing opportunities. Enjoy with loved ones.
3. Dragon: Calm and capable, earning praise and smooth interactions.
4. Rat: Good financial luck; ideal for investment. Work feels easy.
5. Tiger: Sharp ideas gain recognition; strengthen family bonds.
6. Pig: Excellent financial luck; romance may require patience.
7. Snake: Steady work progress; relaxation boosts mood.
8. Dog: New work demands; stay patient and positive.
9. Rooster: Low energy but strong romantic connections.
10. Rabbit: Be cautious of accidents; romance is promising.
11. Goat: High pressure, low finances; stay vigilant.
12. Horse: Luck dips, so guard belongings and stay composed.
Authored by: Serene Wong, Mingxi
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